The Jewel School Digital Design Layout (2021): Designed layout for an educational module series around jewelry design. Designed accompanying social media promotional layouts and outreach campaign assets.

The Disruptive Quarterly 2021: Acted as Art Director and Graphic Designer, under the Creative Director. Designed all key logos and branding scheme. Designed and made working mockups of the site in Adobe XD, running trials for mobile, tablet, and des…

The Disruptive Quarterly 2021: Acted as Art Director and Graphic Designer, under the Creative Director. Designed all key logos and branding scheme. Designed and made working mockups of the site in Adobe XD, running trials for mobile, tablet, and desktop versions. Input media and photos directly to site using basic HTML coding on Wordpress after it was built out by web master. Did touch up and editing work for all submissions in Adobe Photoshop.

United Nations Population Fund Humanitarian Action Overview 2020: Oversaw and provided detailed direction to LTA contracted graphic design agency for layout and design of the HAO 2020. Independently compiled, collected, and organized hundreds of photographs for the publication from across UN archives. Independently designed and created motion graphic informational video, digital media publication assets, and large print banner for HAO launch event.

United Nations Population Fund Humanitarian Data Wall for the ICPD Summit 2019: Compiled research data into palatable and condensed visual translations of data for both a print vinyl version of 8’ x 30’ physical wall, web versions for website/online media publication, and a final version for projection.

New York University Ally Week 2019: Created print design materials for distribution internationally throughout the NYU global campuses, designed overall brand aesthetic and applied to print, web, and product materials (including hand mirror, umbrella, and tote bags). Designed in-person installations combining print vinyl, product pieces, and led neon pieces.

New York University Center for Multicultural Education and Programs Spring Calendar 2019: Created print design materials for distribution internationally throughout the NYU global campuses: text print calendar layout and holographic sticker unifying current design schemes of the center with modern design trend colors and sensibilities.

New York University MLK Week 2019: Created key illustration and print design materials for distribution internationally throughout the NYU global campuses, designed overall brand aesthetic and applied to print, web, and product materials (including triptych posters, pin, postcards, translucent stickers, and tote bags). Promotional graphics for screen used at the premiere MLK event showcase.

Assorted Presentation Decks Film and Narrative Use (2021 - 2024): Created various assorted decks (and accompanying copy writing) including visual image research and sourcing, formatting, and presentational elements. (Higher-res exports available on request)